PE – Movement Skills

In PE we have been revising and developing our movement skills, performing with greater precision, control and fluency.   Some of our activities have included

-using our bodies, on our own and in groups, to create letters,

-navigate around a circuit of different obstacles involving changes of height and direction, coordination and balance,

-coordinating our feet to perform different patterns of movement using dots and ladders.

Here we are in action.


Outdoor Learning

We spent a lovely afternoon at the stoney beach our favourite place. Our intended learning was to revisit road safety, beach risky play particularly rock climbing and the sea depth.

We found some interesting treasures and we enjoyed a windy beach explore. Pupils were using descriptive words to describe rocks and shell patterns.

Pupil voice

‘I think being outside makes me in a happy mood’

‘This rock is stripy but in a circle kind of stripe’

’I found two fossils can you believe it, I know what kind of creature is in here!’

‘The sea is wild waves today, I wonder if the poor fish feel sea sick!’

‘I found a cave and when I put my hand on, I felt a creature inside it!’

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