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Halloween party 2018

Halloween party on the first day of term… What a treat!

Look at our pumpkin glow!
Visiting the canteen ladies… Look at their spooky Halloween menu!
Visiting our big brothers and sisters in Primary 1 & 2!



Mrs Scott showing us our yummy Halloween snack!
Look at all our super costumes!
Visiting the ladies in the office
Visiting Primary 1
Visiting Primary 2
Ducking for apples
Making witches potions


Lots of playing

I can walk all the way around the garden, on my stilts!
“Our family”
“Our classroom”.. Ready for school!
We’ve been making ‘The Hungry Caterpillar’
We love playing ‘schools’
Listening to the balloon deflating inside..
Our paper mache caterpillar is nearly finished