Category Archives: Uncategorized

All about me 👁

We’ve been learning ‘All About Me’ this term.

We’ve been looking at the letters in our names…
We’ve been looking at all our body parts…
And labelling them!
We’ve been learning about our senses and using our ears to listen to lots of different sounds…
And our sense of touch… Feeling things that are hot and cold!
Hard and soft…

Children in Need 2018

We had a pyjama party on Friday and made lots of yummy homebakes to sell in aid of Children in Need… We raised an amazing £128.55!! Thank you to everybody who donated.

Making chocolate krispies… Yum!
And some more…
Making peerie buns
We all had on our favourite pyjamas… Can you spot any onesie twins?
Mrs Scott quite fancied a pair of sparkly smucks instead…
More super pyjamas!
Yummy ‘teddy bear’ themed snack