In February, Primary 5 were visited by Megan Grant who came in to speak about her work at Dogs Against Drugs. We really enjoyed the visit!
In February, Primary 5 were visited by Megan Grant who came in to speak about her work at Dogs Against Drugs. We really enjoyed the visit!
Hello P5B!
I have added a snow day learning grid below. This has also been uploaded to the learning grids channel on our class team.
If you have any questions then let me know.
Here is the home learning grid for week 10 (week beginning Monday 6th March 2023).
Home Learning Grid Week 6 06.03.23
Let me know if you have any questions.
Hello P5B!
I have added your home learning grid below for week 8 (week beginning Monday 20th February).
Home Learning Grid Week 8 20.02.23
Let me know if you have any questions.
Hello P5B!
Here is your home learning grid for week 7 (week beginning Monday 13th February 2023). A copy can also be found in the learning grids channel on Teams.
Home Learning Grid Week 7 13.02.23
Let me know if you have any questions.
Hello P5B!
I have added the home learning grid below for week 6 (week beginning 6th February 2023). See you all on Tuesday.
Home Learning Grid Week 6 06.02.23
Let me know if you have any questions.
This week, we had a visit from the Glasgow Science Centre who are on their Body Works tour. Everyone had a brilliant time testing out the different stations that they brought along!
In art this week p5 have had a fun session designing and creating their own Viking shields,helmets and other accessories.
They’ve done a fantastic job and showed such good creativity!!
I have added the home learning grid for week 4 (week beginning 23rd January 2023) below.
Home Learning Grid Week 4 23.01.23
Let me know if you have any questions.