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Olympic Obstacle

As part of Health Week, the pupil council asked for an Olympic themed obstacle course.  Before starting we discussed what the Olympics were and this years Games in Paris in July.  The circuit was a variety of activities to develop skills that all sports people need,  including agility, coordination, balance, changes of height and direction.  By the end of the lesson, the pupils had also worked there stamina.

Literacy & Music – Recycle Raps

This term, as part of our environmental class project,  we have been learning about plastic pollution and the negative impact that it’s having on our planet. The class worked together in small groups to write a short rap where they had to convey that very message. We used a backing track to practise performing our raps, then we recorded our tracks in a makeshift ‘studio’.

Here are the audio files for you to listen to.

Aoife, Ruairidh & Alesha:

Ayla, Amelia & Erik:

Joey, Niky & Heidi:

Theo & James:


Levi, Robbie & Dillon:

Matilda & Sophie:

Tom, Adam & Ali:


P5A have been learning about buoyancy and density in their topic work this week. First we tested different classroom objects to see if they would float or sink, then we completed a STEM challenge, creating boats out of craft materials. We tested them to see how buoyant they were. If they didn’t stay afloat we tried to amend our designs to improve their buoyancy. Pupils had great fun doing this and used numerous meta-skills in the process such as adapting, showing initiative, collaborating with others and using their creativity and critical thinking skills. Well done P5A!

RNLI Visit

At our recent Stories of the sea Museum we decided to do a fundraiser for the RNLI.  Together both P5 classes  managed to raise £192.71.  Rhoda Watt came in to collect the cheque.  She is part of the fundraiser committee for the Lerwick Lifeboat.

Mrs Watt shared some information about the Lerwick lifeboat.  It is an all weather lifeboat with two turbo charged engines.  It had 18 call outs in 2023 and it has had 11 so far this year.  A three hour call out costs the lifeboat £1500 in fuel.  The lifeboat relies on donations and legacies to keep going. This past March the RNLI celebrated it’s 200 year anniversary.  King Charles in now the patron.  A recent purchase for the lifeboat was a heat seeking camera.

Some of the meta-skills that the Museum fundraiser included were:

  • communicating
  • feeling
  • collaborating
  • leading
  • creativity
  • curiosity

Thank you for all donations and thanks to Mrs Watt for coming in to speak to us today.

Art lesson

In Art p5 have been learning how to form models using newspaper.

We started by drawing and researching creatures that live in and around Lerwick harbour.

After choosing our favourite one we learned how to manipulate newspaper to create a 3d model of it. We used cellulose paste and tissue paper to cover them and add details.

They all worked extremely hard and have done a fantastic job, well done p5! 😍


P5 have been doing netball in PE.  We have learnt that our hands should be in a ‘W’ shape to catch and throw and that each player in a team has a specific job, name and position on the court.  We have practiced different throwing techniques, had a go at shooting and played in simple game situations.



Measuring Outdoors

P5A have been learning about measure this term. We were fortunate enough to get some hot, sunny weather this week so we took our lesson outdoors and measured lines drawn in chalk around our playground. Pupils were able to convert these measurements from m to cm. During this task we applied collaboration and communication meta skills.