Monthly Archives: September 2023


In PE we are on Fitness.  This is a very energetic block, but also has a lot of factual information.  Here are some of the things we learn and focus on –

  • What is fitness – we discussed how fitness can mean our overall state of health and the exercises we can do to keep active.
  • Components of fitness – we learnt about the ‘S’ Factor – stamina, suppleness, speed, strength, sustenance, spirit, sleep and skill.
  • Participating in different activities to demonstrate a few of the practical ways we can work our fitness, including skipping, running, games, circuits and we even had a shot on the scooter boards to show not all fitness has to be serious, fun is a huge part of it.

3D models

We have been learning about the properties of 2D and 3D shape in maths this term. After learning to draw 3D shapes, pupils tried making 3D models using wooden sticks and blue-tack. Pupils really enjoyed making cubes, triangular prisms and squared-based pyramids. Some pupils even started to build houses with the resources.

Shetland Youth Orchestra Performance

We were treated to a performance by the Shetland Youth Orchestra last week in the Sound Hall. The orchestra is made up of children from all over Shetland including both primary and secondary, and their musical talents are amazing!

We were introduced to all the different instrument families including brass, woodwind, strings and percussion. We listened to a mixture of music including classical, swing and even a theme tune or too. We particularly liked the Wallace and Grommit theme tune which they played as we were leaving the hall.

What a very enjoyable way to spend a Friday afternoon!


We have started the year in PE with dodgeball.  The whole class have loved the block, especially learning new games.  We have needed to use a lot of different skills to play the games including, catching, throwing, aiming, dodging, reacting, making decisions, responding respectfully, following the rules, cooperating, competing and more.