All posts by Mrs Ritchie

Olympic Obstacle

As part of Health Week, the pupil council asked for an Olympic themed obstacle course.  Before starting we discussed what the Olympics were and this years Games in Paris in July.  The circuit was a variety of activities to develop skills that all sports people need,  including agility, coordination, balance, changes of height and direction.  By the end of the lesson, the pupils had also worked there stamina.


P5 have been doing netball in PE.  We have learnt that our hands should be in a ‘W’ shape to catch and throw and that each player in a team has a specific job, name and position on the court.  We have practiced different throwing techniques, had a go at shooting and played in simple game situations.




We have finished the term doing Athletics in PE.  With only three weeks, we focused a week each on the three areas of the sport – running, jumping and throwing.  Each week we also completed a 5 minute run, building up to being able to run a 400m, once round the track, at sports day.

Here are some pictures of our 5 minute run and our sprinting work.


P5 have been playing badminton in PE.  We have worked on a lot of individual skills and basic hitting with a partner.  We also spent some time on creating a practice that developed our aiming that the other groups then had a go at.  Here are a few pictures of those practices.


For the first few weeks of this term we are doing dance in PE.  We are following a scheme of work that makes us think about how we move, direction, cooperation, communication, creativity and many more of our Significant Aspects of Learning.

One of our first tasks was with a partner.  Together we had to come up with a 4 part sequence which ended in clapping hands together.  We had to decide each part and then think about how we were going to do it, like position with each other, timing and direction.  After everyone had completed the task we watched all the pairs, looking to see if they had completed the task correctly and looking for interesting ideas.

Here are a few of our pairs demonstrating their sequence.


Week 6 Gymnastics

This was our last week of gymnastics.  The class have loved this block, especially the equipment.  We have seen lots and lots of learning taking place including balance and control, co-ordination, gross motor skills, core stability, strength, flexibility, stamina and confidence, as well as less obvious aspects like respect and tolerance, decision making and prioritising.

Here we are exploring this weeks equipment.

Gymnastics Week 5

P5 were delighted to see the trampette out this week.  This is a miniature trampoline that you use like a springboard.  The pupil steps on and jumps off showing a 1 foot-2 feet-2 feet foot pattern.  Other changes included a double bar, a high bench, a high ladder, obstacles on the beam, the springboard beside our long box and the wide box was another block higher.

Here we are in action.


Week 2 of the equipment saw a different set up for the pupils to explore.  The main differences were we had the ropes out, included a change of direction, the wide box was slightly higher and the bench up to the long box was flat and lower.

Here are some pictures of us working.