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Advent has arrived in P2/3!

This year our advent calendar not only has peerie toys to hang up in Santa’s workshop, but also peerie tasks and kind deeds to be done by the children and teachers!


Today the suggestion in the calendar was to make snowflakes!  So we used our cutting skills to make the main shape, folded the shape into eighths and cut out little 2D shapes.   After that we opened out the folded shapes and look at the beautiful snowflakes me made.  Our next steps are to decorate them!


Oscar Charlie Crew Visit!

We had an exciting time in P2/3 and P3/4 today when we had a visit from some very important members of the Oscar Charlie crew!

Dave, who is also Hannah’s Dad,  is a co-pilot on Oscar Charlie and Simon, who is a winchman and paramedic, came to tell us about their jobs and the rescue service that they operate on behalf of Her Majesty’s Coastguard.

We learned lots about the rescue service and helicopters.  We also learned about emergencies and giving CPR.  We asked questions to find out more!  Thanks to Dave and Simon for coming and sharing their enthusiasm and knowledge about their jobs, it was greatly appreciated.







Shoo Rayner Visit!

P2/3 and P3/4 had a hugely entertaining and interactive learning session with famous author Shoo Rayner today.  This was part of National Book Week activities happening all over Scotland.  Shoo is the author of the Viking Vik books, particularly popular here in Shetland! Shoo also penned the Ricky Rocket series with hilarious tales of Ricky’s adventures in space.

The pupils were delighted with Shoo’s storytelling and artistic skills. They listened with giggles and smiles to Shoo reading about Ricky’s first time learning to fly his rocket without stabilisers!  Then with Shoo’s step by step guidance, the pupils all drew their own version of Ricky Rocket.

Thank you to our parent helpers today, Kim and Ian for lending a hand.  Also a massive thank you to librarians Marghie and Zuzanna for organising this treat and of course to Shoo himself.  A super morning of learning.

Please use this link

to go to Shoo’s youtube channel where there are lots more step by step instructions for fabulous drawings!







This week, our P2-7 pupils have been taking part in a Shetland wide challenge on Sumdog.

Sumdog is a website that helps children to practise their maths skills in a fun, interactive, game based way. They are able to join up to play games with classmates and pupils from across the globe! The website is very clever in matching activities to each individual pupil’s level.

P2/3 have had lots of fun and have all worked really hard!



P2/3 developing their number skills using Sumdog!
P2/3 developing their number skills using Sumdog!