Category Archives: News and Current Projects

Looking after your self during exam time, from the School Counselling Service

The School Counselling Service have prepared this document with some ideas about how to look after ‘self’ during exam time with some links to useful information for pupils and families while they navigate through the next few weeks.  Please click on the image below:
Exams – looking after your self

The Decider – Life Skills

Please click on the image below to read about how we used The Decider – Life Skills resource in a secondary setting.  The young people loved it!

The Decider


The Educational Psychology Service working with the Central Inclusion Team is supporting the roll out of the use of the Kitbag in schools across Shetland. Kitbag is a multi-sensory, easy to use resource which can help children and young people develop talk about their feelings and develop their personal, social and emotional skills.

Please click on the image below to read the Kitbag article for Children’s Services Newsletter and the case study on using the Kitbag resource.

Kitbag Article
Kitbag Case Study copy

For more information about the Kitbag see

Supporting a positive transition to secondary school

Click on the poster below to read about how we have used ‘Resilient Kids’ to contribute to a positive P7 to S1 transition.

Open Book

Self-Regulation Whole School Case Study

Please click on the image below to learn more about what teachers and pupils in a local primary school think of our work supporting self-regulation.

Self Regulation Case Study