Whalsay Secondary Blog

Crochet in Wider Achievement

In the last 2 terms in Wider Achievement, we learnt how to crochet. Some of us already knew some basics, others had to start completely from scratch. At the beginning, we all made the same kind of bunny. They all turned out different. Some bunnies were small, others were really big. It depends on your personal style of crocheting and also what wool and hook you use. Some of use decided to leave away arms, tails, or bunny feet, others stayed closer to the original pattern.

Once everybody had finished their bunny, we looked on a pattern website called ravelry and we found things that we wanted to crochet. We made snakes, jelly fish, pigs, mushroom, granny square blankets, birds, beans, frogs and lots of other things. Some of us even managed to make things without a pattern.

After a few weeks, most of us were good enough that we could help others in the group when they had problems. Some even taught their relatives and friends at home how to crochet.

Here are a few statements from some of us:

Annie: “I’ve practised remembering different kinds of crochet stitches.”

Lola: “It’s better than just sitting on devices.”

Morgan: “I have made lots of cool things.”

Bella: “The crochet toys we made are really good to throw at your brothers and sisters. They also make really good gifts – I made 6 gifts for people.”

Geordie: “It get’s easier the more you practise it.”

Neve, Brooke and Flora: “We got to be creative.”


Crochet skills can help with counting, maths, art, hand and eye coordination and lots of other things. Quite a few of us want to finish our crochet projects at home.



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