School trip to Lerwick

Last week the P5/6 class enjoyed a trip to Clickimin Broch, Sands of Sound beach and a fun afternoon spent in the pool after a heavy downpour of rain!

No pictures were allowed at the poolside however the class loved playing on the flumes, rapid river and conquering their fears jumping of the high diving board!  A fun day had by all.

Victorian day

This term P6 have been learning about the Victorians during their class topic. They enjoyed 5 weeks of drama lessons with Izzy based on the story the little match girl. It was great to see their dramatic side come to life. A good preparation for the pantomime next year.  For the last session we had a Victorian style school afternoon where the children had a handwriting, arithmetic, English, geography and math’s lesson all under Victorian school conditions. The class did a amazing job to stay in character and thoroughly the whole experience. Thank you Izzy!

Hand inspection

Waiting for Ms Swanson  to come



Geography lesson

PE lesson

The Dunce hat!

P6 Victorian Style

And we are back!! phew!