February in P4

We’ve had another busy month in P4.

We enjoyed having a Second year student who was called Miss Leslie.

Jack and Hanna practising their spelling words by playing tic tac toe with chalk pens.
We love using chalk pens to help with our learning.

Miss Leslie planned really fun handwriting lessons.  We loved practising our letter  formations in different ways.

This group completed mazes. They had to use straight lines to reach the end.
This group loved the messy shaving foam to practise the correct formation.
Goldilocks writing: Too light, Too dark and Just right. It is important to hold your pencil correctly to get the right pressure. If you press too hard you will get a sore hand. If its too light it is hard to see.

We had a Maths relay to practise adding up different totals in Money.

In teams we had to race to choose a coloured cone.  Each cone had a value and we had to add up our totals.  It was good to have team mates to help each other and explain how to find the answer.


We have been learning about light and sound.

We made Globes using balloons, paper mache and long sticks. We added on the continents and used them to explain the earths rotation around the sun.   We’ve been learning about day/night, seasons, the earths tilt, leap years and why the sky is blue!

Kevin and Aidan using a torch (sun) to explain what happens.
Poppy M and Imogen shared their explanation with the class.
Aodee and Magnus worked together to explain what happens.

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