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Snow Day Activities!

Hello Primary 1,

I hope everyone has had a great week and has managed to have lots of fun in the snow! I also hope that everyone is warm and safe!

Below is a link for some activities I have made for you to do at home! You can choose which and how many activities you want to do!

Primary 1 Snow Day Activities

Have fun!

Miss Fullerton 😁

A busy start to Term 2!

Primary 1 have had a very busy start to Term 2. We have been learning lots of exciting things!

Through a Talk 4 Writing approach we created our own version of ‘Room on the Broom’.

This term we were also learning about ‘Incredible Inventions‘.

We made old toy inventions like a cup and ball!
We had lots of fun trying out this old invention!


We learned about Scottish Inventions like the phone!
We explored different materials that inventions were made out of!

We looked at old inventions and were inspired to design our own. We planned, created and presented our inventions. Our friends gave us feedback on our inventions too!

First term of Primary 1!

Our new Primary 1’s have had a great start to school and have settled in well to school life. The class are enjoying learning new phonics every week and meeting new Ten Town number characters.

We have been very busy in Primary 1, below are some of the activities we have enjoyed doing!

Drawing Club
“I like drawing club because we get to draw lots” 

This is some of our favourite Drawing Club pictures!









Our favourite drawing club pictures this term!

“We like math’s because it helps us learn” 

We are catching fish for Seal Six!


We are building a boat for Freddie Four.


We are practicing our number formation.


we are building words with sounds we know.

Primary 1 Beach Trip

Trip to Meal Beach


Primary 1 had a lovely time with Primary  2 and 3 at Meal Beach in Burra.  The children had such a great time playing , taking part in beach races, picnicking and even taking the bus! Please look at some snapshots from the day! The trip is one of Primary 1’s highlights this year!

“It was fun burying each other in the sand!”


“We were all covered in sand”


“We were all covered in sand”
“We liked digging holes”


We had so much fun!