Young leaders

Danny Peterson has been doing a course about leadership with us for 6 weeks. Since this is the last week we got to deliver 4 games to the primary threes. We were split into our table groups and we thought of games for them to play.

The we came up with were Dungeon Catchies, Cups and Saucers, Random Octopus and an Obstacle Course.

We started with getting set up after playtime inside at the canteen. The first group set up an obstacle course made out of soft play and a tunnel.

The second group did Cups and Saucers in the canteen. They used bibs and cones for the game. It ended up being a draw.

The next group had to go outside because it was time to set up the canteen. The third group played Random Octopus.

The last group did dungeon catchies. They used cones to make the dungeon and bibs for the catchers. The Primary Threes found it to easy so the group made the area smaller.

The Primary three’s liked all the games and we enjoyed being leaders.

By Brooke and Effie


Active Spelling

For spelling we had different activity. We went out side to play to play with the huff and puff. We said a letter passed the netball, kicked  the football and threw and cached the ball.

We did spelling on the laptops like spelling city and we went on word and did different fonts and colors and sizes.

We got to pick from colorful letters and hangman. For colorful letter you got  colored pens and pencils and  highlighters.  Hangman we used white boards and do a hangman with your spelling letters.

By Mason and Flora