All posts by Mrs Spowart

Dogs Against Drugs

Today we had a visit from Michael who works with Dogs Against Drugs. It was very interesting.

We spoke about drugs being bad for you and that they are illegal. We also talked about how dangerous they are for our health.

Michael brought in a dog called Thor. We got to stroke him. He was only 20 months old. If Thor smelt drugs on someone, he would sit down in front of the person.

We got to try on handcuffs, we got to try Michael’s baton and Tyler showed us how leg restraints were used! We also got to try on different jackets and vests.DSCN0814 DSCN0816 DSCN0819 DSCN0823 DSCN0831 DSCN0835 DSCN0837 DSCN0846 DSCN0847

We all got a Dogs Against Drugs keyring.

We really enjoyed our visit.


We have been learning about shape. We have learnt the names of 2D shapes and 3D objects. We have been going on shape hunts! We have been looking for 2D shapes in 3D objects. We have done this in the playground and in the classroom. It has been really good fun! We have looked at 2D nets and then made 3D objects from them. We made cubes, cuboids, triangular-based pyramids, square-based pyramids, triangular prisms and Mrs Spowart made a dodecahedron which has 12 sides and Josh and Freya made an icosahedron which has 20 faces!

We have really enjoyed learning about shape!

Daily Mile

Every day this term, in all weathers, we have walked our daily mile. We are doing this to keep fit and healthy.

We signed up to World Walking as a school and are taking part in the Road to Rio. We are tracking how many miles we walk each day and putting this on to the website. It tells us how many steps we have taken each day and how many miles we have walked. So far we have walked from Melbourne to Sydney as a whole school!

We have really enjoyed going out every day for our walk! Some comments from the class are:

‘It’s really fun and it’s good for our health.’ Bobby

‘It’s good for keeping us fit and healthy.’ Isla

‘It keeps us good and strong and fit.’ Isaac

‘I enjoy walking with my friends because I like talking to them.’ Luke

‘I enjoy running with Alex, Isaac, Josh and Ellis.’ Taylor

‘I enjoy speaking with Jan, we talk about how many laps we have done.’ Regan

We are hoping to keep doing it every day!

Little Tikes UHA

We were very lucky this week as we got to see Little Tikes Up Helly Aa procession. Bobby and Alex got dressed up in their suits from the Nesting & Girlsta Up Helly Aa. It was lovely to see them in their suits again. We watched Little Tikes walk past with their Jarl and their Galley. The Jarl had his squad with him!

After they had walked past we all joined the procession. We then marched to the back of  the school where the galley was taken into a field and burnt. We really enjoyed sharing this with Little Tikes, P1 and all the parents. It was great fun to watch and take part.


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Viking Trip to the Museum

We went on a trip to the Museum last week. First, Yvonne showed us the map of Scandinavia. Then she showed us pictures of a Viking Long Ship and a Long House. We went to see the Sixareen. Yvonne told us a Viking Long Ship would be at least twice the size of the Sixareen. We then went to the cabinets to see all the Viking Artefacts that have been found in Shetland and other places. There were two girls from Norway that were dressed in Viking clothes. After we had looked at all these, we had our snack and then we were given clay to make a Thor’DSCN0666 DSCN0669 DSCN0670 DSCN0671 DSCN0674 DSCN0675 DSCN0676 DSCN0677 DSCN0688 DSCN0689 DSCN0691 DSCN0694 DSCN0696s hammer to wear around our neck. We really enjoyed our trip and would love to go back again another time!


This term we have been learning about Vikings. In groups we have been finding out about lots of different things. Our groups have been looking for information about their home life, long ships, what they wore and how their clothes were made, what games they played, what artefacts have been found, what weapons they used and how they were made and their Gods and Goddesses. We have found it really interesting and we are going to make posters on the information we have found.

We have also been making our own Viking Long ships in class which we will be taking home soon!

We are really looking forward to the Nesting & Girlsta Jarl Squad coming to the Tingwall Hall this afternoon as Bobby and Alex are both in the squad!

Weather Station

Last term we went on a trip to the MET Office. When we arrived we went outside to look at all the equipment. We looked at their computer screens and saw where the rain was and we also saw a picture of a tornado. We were so lucky, we got to set off the weather balloon. First we wrote our names on the balloon and then we went out to the shed to blow it up! Bobby and Alex pressed the buttons to move the shed to the right direction. It was really exciting! We went back inside and got to watch the balloon travelling. Some of us created a tornado in a bottle by spinning a bottle round and round!

We really enjoyed our trip and would love to go back again!DSCN0273 DSCN0278 DSCN0282 DSCN0289 DSCN0296 DSCN0298 DSCN0300 DSCN0308 DSCN0310 DSCN0317 DSCN0336 DSCN0345 DSCN0349 DSCN0350

The Weather

This term we are learning about the weather. So far we have learnt about the seasons, how many there are (4) and what kind of weather we get in each season. We have also been learning about the months of the year, there are 12, and what months are in each season. We also found out how many weeks there are in a year- 52! At the moment we are in Autumn.

We have started to make our igloo as part of out weather topic.  We have LOTS of milk bottles and so far have made two layers.  We are enjoying making it.
