Numeracy Week

This week we have played lots of numeracy games. Bingo was the favourite. Here is the spinner we used if anyone wants to try it at home. You just need to write 6 numbers down and get spinning.  0-20 spinner – Random wheel (

We also played whiteboard games, board games, did lessons from Lloyds Bank on money, did our Chaos in the Snow challenge(see post further below with photos on this), loop cards and we loved having the grown ups in to talk to us about their jobs and do our number notion packs together. Our play areas were all set up with tasks that involved number. We had weighing and measuring, a shop to use money in, matching, ordering, connect 4, shapes, building using blocks, calculators, letter formation and stories using numbers.

Here are some of the games we have enjoyed this week.

Place Value Basketball – Dienes Game for 5 to 8 Year Olds (

Shark Numbers || To know what each digit in a 3-digit number represents – mobile friendly (

Gymnastics week 5

More excitement this week in the form of a trampette.  This is a miniature trampoline that you use like a springboard.  The pupil steps on and jumps off showing a 1 foot-2 feet-2 feet foot pattern.  Other changes included a double bar, a high bench, a high ladder, obstacles on the beam, the springboard beside our long box and the wide box was another block higher.

Here we are in action.

Chaos at the North Pole

As part of Numeracy Week we had a whole-school challenge to help the elves. Our elf had been caught in a snowstorm and needed somewhere to shelter. The pupils had to make him a shelter to keep him warm and dry. We had to plan our shelter by drawing a diagram of what we wanted it to look like and list the resources we needed. We had to make sure our shelter matched the criteria the elves had given us.

  • The shelter must protect the elf from the wind.
  • The shelter must keep the elf dry.
  • The shelter must stand on its own.
  • The shelter needs a doorway to enter and exit.

Gymnastics week 4

Week 2 of the equipment saw a different set up for the pupils to explore.  The main differences were we had the ropes out, included a change of direction, the wide box was slightly higher and the bench up to the long box was flat and lower.

Here are some pictures of us working.



We are doing gymnastics in PE.  We started with 2 weeks concentrating on mat skills including balances, jumps, rolls and bunny hops.   This week the class were excited to see all the gymnastics equipment out.

On the equipment we will be making decisions on how to use each piece.  This week we discussed how the skills we have already learnt are important on the equipment.  For example

  • jumping – we know how to jump and land and have learnt the 5 ways of taking off and landing.  On the equipment we jump onto, on, along and off using the techniques we know, like bending our knees to land.
  • weight on hands – we take our body weight on our hands on the bars, ropes, boxes, benches and other places.
  • rolls – we can roll on, along, around and off.

Here we are exploring the different equipment.

Outdoor Learning – Road Safety

Tony came in to our class today to chat to us about road safety and show us his hi-vis uniform. We learned about his jacket, his lollipop and most importantly, how his gloves protect his hands from all the high-fives!

We watched a video on crossing the road safely.

Crossing roads: kids know best – THINK!

The class enjoyed getting outdoors to have a go at crossing the roads using what we had learned.





Our school value this term is safety. We have also looked at being safe around bonfires and fireworks.



We had fun making pumpkins, playing a halloween corners game and decorating the mummy with toilet paper. There was lots of giggling and screeching!

Our Owls!

As part of our Night and Day topic we have been learning about nocturnal animals. We are reading about an owl in ‘The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark’. We made our own owls in class out of paper plates and cupcake cases.

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