Reading with P12 March 13, 2015 Mrs Spowart 1 Comment P3/4/5 went to read with the boys and girls in the P1/2 class on Wednesday. We all chose a book to read to them and they read to us. We really enjoyed it and are planning on going back through next week.
Titanic Posters March 6, 2015 Mrs Spowart 7 Comments This is Ella, Alisha, David, Magnus and James’s poster on the 2nd class passengers on the Titanic. This is Barron, Levi, Brooke, Seth and Joann’s poster about the 1st class passengers on the Titanic. Millie, Lucy, Ailee and Ruby created this poster about the 3rd class passengers. Colvin, Anya, Brandon and Ashleigh found out information about the crew on the upper and public decks. Ross, Harry, Rebekah and Kanchana found out all about the jobs the lower deck crew would have had. All our posters displayed in our classroom.