A typical day in primary one may look different to what it has done in previous years, this is something we cannot plan for in detail yet. However, the main features should be roughly the same:
- We will try to keep the routine of the day the same as far as possible
- We will encourage independence, for example hanging up coats, unpacking bags etc.
- The day begins in the same way each morning. We fill in the daily calendar and talk about what is going to happen on each particular day. Soft Start Activities to ease them into the start of the day…may be a story, may be some fine motor tasks around different stations, may be group work to make a jigsaw etc….
- Snacks can be brought in each day. We are trying to encourage healthy snacks. A small amount of money can be brought in on a Friday for Fruity Friday if they choose. Water bottles too…water, not juice. Children have 10 minutes to eat snack before break time. On some busy days, it may be less so bear this in mind.
- All clothing should be named and shoes should be velcro so they can easily manage them for themselves. This is especially important on PE/Swimming days.
- Toys brought in from home should be able to fit in their tray, so keep these reasonably small please.