Author: Mrs Thomson

Open Night 2023

Open Night 2023

Last night the school opened its doors to the community to showcase the work done by our pupils.

Lucky visitors were welcomed into the building with tunes played by Kaylan Brown and Peter Wood.

It was great to see so many members of the community wandering around the school – seeing classrooms, meeting teachers, viewing all the great work done by our pupils – from art, technical, science, French and much more.

A video capturing learning experiences during the year was shown.


S1/2 Glasgow Trip 2023

On our trip to Glasgow, everyone had a brilliant time.  We joined with Baltasound pupils making new friends and memories.

We stayed at the Youth Hostel and we were are all happy with our rooms.  The activities were amazing – from the Wallace Monument, Science Centre, Kelvingrove Art Gallery, Crazy Golf, Gravity, Laser Quest, Go Ape, Foxlake Adventure Part, Ice Skating – to name a few.  Everyone enjoyed Go Ape because it the activities were up in trees because there are none big enough in Shetland,  it was different for everyone.

All the teachers that came with us joined in too.


Lovely day for a sail!

It may not have been the nicest day of weather but didn’t stop the sailing!

Secondary 2-4 pupils again took to the water sailing around Mid Yell Voe.

A great improvement can be seen in all the pupils sailing skills – more control and direction!

Only two capsizes today!

Looking forward to a competitive mini regatta on Tuesday 27 June 2023.


Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA) – Applications Open

Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA) is part of the Scottish Government’s agenda of encouraging access to, and participation in, further education by young people from low-income families.

EMA provides financial support for 16 – 19 year olds who are:
  • staying on at school;
  • staying on in home education;
  • following an Activity Agreement programme.

Apply for EMA

EMA Applications for 2023/24 are now open.

Please remember that if you were in receipt of EMA last year, you will need to re-apply this year.

For more information – use the ‘Anchor For Families’ Facebook page or you can access the post using the following link;


YPI Final May 2023

On Wednesday 31 May 2023 S3 class travelled to Unst to take part in Youth Philanthropy Initiative (YPI) Final, hosted by Baltasound Junior High School.

The four teams confidently shared their presentations to a judging panel, including YPI representative from Wood Foundation.  Presentations shared the great work done by the  charities:  British Heart Foundation, Unst Partnership, Compass Centre and Dogs Against Drugs.

A special well done to the winning team – Emer, Lena & Lizzie –  who secured £3,000 for The Compass Centre.


BFG Dream Catching

In the library last week primary 1-7 Mid Yell, Burravoe and Culliove  investigated Roald Dahl’s book, BFG.  Mrs Fraser used her net to capture their dreams and is thrilled with the results!

Sailing 2023

On Wednesday 17 May 2023, nice weather saw the return of sailing as part of our school curriculum.  Pupils in S1/2 Wider Achievement and S3 PE classes were given the option to take part in sail training on Picos.

Picos are a great way to learn to  dinghy sailing.  All pupils get the opportunity to to rig the dinghy, learn to use to the wind to sail around the Voe and a few had to learn to right them and clamber back in, a little colder and wetter!

Thanks to Graham Hughson who patiently manned the safety boat.


Coronation Celebrations

On Friday 5 May 2023, our S1 class hosted an event to celebrate the new King’s coronation.

They baked cakes, decorated the dinner hall, organised for Peter Wood to play at our dance.  On the day they served, cleared and managed to get everyone to join in the dance.

They even managed to surprise us all with guests of honour, Prince Charles and Camilla!

Brilliant, fun-filled afternoon!