Author: Mrs Thomson

Engineering the Future for Girls Programme 2023

I was selected to go to Strathclyde University on 26-27 January 2023 for the Engineering the Future for Girls Programme.

When I arrived at the Uni I was put into group F with Amy, Lucie, Rosie, Lana, Lily, Maria and Abby, we got to be friends.  During two days we learned about different areas of engineering:  Civil & Environmental, Mechanical & Aerospace, Chemical & Process and Biomedical.

For each engineering area we were first given a presentation about what it involved and then we did an activity.  For civil & environmental engineering we had a build a bridge out of spaghetti and loom bands.  All the activities were like that and we had to work as a team.

For each engineering area we got to meet new people.  They told us about the job and how they got there – the college/university they went to and the subjects they studied.  All of them said maths and physics are very important subjects for every engineering areas.

I learned that if you study at Strathclyde you can do a years work experience to get practical experience eg in biomedical engineering you could go to a hospital or company that makes prosthetic limbs.

I really enjoyed my two days and the people I met.

If anyone gets the chance to go I would recommend it.

Importance of Languages

On Wednesday 25th January 2023, S2 & 3 travelled to Brae High School to meet with local employers to discuss the importance a learning a second language.

There were lots of local employers there, including:  Frankies Fish & Chip Shop, Total Energies, Harper Macleod, Cooke Aquaculture, Shetland Arts,  all had stories to share when having a second language had been useful.

Burns Night 2023

At lunchtime on Tuesday we held a special lunch for “Burns Night” to celebrate the life of Robert Burns.

Everyone stood while the haggis was brought in.  Our P7 class “addressed the haggis” before we all sat down to a lunch of haggis, neeps and tatties, washed down by our National drink, irnbru!

Robert Burns, known familiarly as 'Rabbie Burns', was a Scottish poet and lyricist born in 1759.

Careers Event – Aquaculture – Local Employers

Today we hosted an Aquaculture Careers event, organised by DYW colleagues.

During this event our pupils attended workshops delivered by our local employers including:

  • Aquaship
  • Campbell Dickie Whelks
  • Cooke Aquaculture
  • Creel Boat Owner – Richard Gray
  • Scottish Sea Farms
  • Shetland Fishermen’s Association
  • Skills Development Scotland.

Workshops included investigating the biology of a salmon, racing to put on survival gear, programming robots to navigate around buoys.