Month: September 2024

Anchor for Families Shetland

Anchor for Families Shetland | Facebook

Anchor is here for you and your family, whenever you need it.

All families can find themselves fighting to stay afloat; whether pulled under by rising living costs, health concerns or isolation. Anchor will help you back onto dry land.

What does Anchor for Families do?

The Anchor Team is always ready to listen to whatever pressures your family are under.

Working with you, we will help you get all the support you need to thrive, and will continue to do so as long as you need it.

This might be making sure your family is receiving all the financial support and benefits you are entitled to; speaking with housing or other services on your behalf; helping you communicate with the school or talking through relationship issues.

We provide practical help, like food parcels and clothing, as well as a friendly ear, ready to listen and chat about anything that is bothering you.

Visit our Facebook page