Today we went for a walk to the beach. We had the chance to explore, play, collect some bits from the beach and to skim stones in the water. Some of the pupils decided to paint their beach finds when we got back. Below are some more examples of recent play.
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Viking Longhouses
We have been learning about the lives of the Vikings. As part of this we designed Viking longhouses. We could use whatever materials we wanted. Some pupils decided to use junk modelling, some used various loose parts and some used Lego. We had to work well as a team to design and build these.
Last week we spent time each day tracking and recording the weather. Each morning we put a thermometer and a bottle outside to collect any rain water. At the end of each day we went outside and checked both of these. We also looked at the clouds and considered how windy it was. We then… Continue reading Weather
Rain Cloud Experiment
As part of our weather topic, we have been learning a bit about the water cycle. Following a discussion about this, we did an experiment to see what happens when the clouds get heavy. Before we started, we predicted what would happen. We then recorded our results. Everyone had to make sure to work well… Continue reading Rain Cloud Experiment
The pupils have been very busy during their free play over the last few weeks. Below are some of the things that they got up to. Some of the pupils decided they wanted to set up their own library. They laid out the books how they wanted and even made a scanner. Some even made… Continue reading Play
Weather Wheels
We have started our weather topic which we will be doing for the first half of the term. Last week we made our own weather wheels which we are using to show what the weather is each day.
This week we read ‘The Most Wonderful Gift in the World’. We discussed the main parts of the story and then the pupils wrote sentences explaining what happened. They all used interesting openers in their writing. When they had done this, they used the Chatterpix app to read out their writing as if they were… Continue reading Chatterpix
Northern Lights
This week, we read a book about the Northern Lights. It was called ‘The Lights That Dance In The Night.’ During our discussion about the book, the pupils came up with lots of interesting adjectives to describe the Northern Lights. We also spoke about their Shetland name, ‘Mirrie Dancers’. They then used chalk to create… Continue reading Northern Lights
Lost and Found
This week the class read the book ‘Lost and Found’ by Oliver Jeffers with Mrs Teale. Following on from this, they wrote stories about where they thought the penguin would go next. They included interesting openers at the start of their sentences. The next day they did a STEM challenge where they had to build… Continue reading Lost and Found
In class teacher PE this week, the class had the opportunity to do some dance with Mrs Teale. They all did very well with following instructions and enjoyed dancing to the music. They even had a treat and got to dance with bubbles at the end of the lesson.