The pupils have been very busy during their free play over the last few weeks. Below are some of the things that they got up to.
Some of the pupils decided they wanted to set up their own library. They laid out the books how they wanted and even made a scanner. Some even made their own books.
The pupils have also chosen to use writing skills in their play. Some created post cards. One pupil created a storyboard using various whiteboards to tell a story.
At the end of last term, a group decided to set up a puppet theatre and made their own show.
There has also been lots of number work. Some decided to make sums for each other.
One of the pupils decided to organise these numbers in a range of ways, using both number order and colours to do so.
There has been lots of construction work using various materials. This has involved lots of problem solving skills.
The junk modelling area has continued to be popular.
Some other examples of recent play: