Coffee Morning

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Coffee Morning Day!


Lots of guests came along and enjoyied a cup of tea and some cake.


£160.05 was raised, some for the Edinburgh Trip and some we will donate towards Children in Need.

A big THANK YOU for everyone who gave donations and came along to support us, especially Janet!

Loch of Funzie RSPB

So wIMG_4261e went with Patrick, a RSPB warden. He took us to see a Snipe. I thought it souned like a virtual sheep but the others thought it souned like a sheep mixed with a duck. We did this on Friday the 13th of May. It was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo fun. We did see a snipe they are small but not to small. They live in wet areas with lage tussocks of grass. We took a picture on a stone bird. Can you please click these…



Garden Day

The weather on Sunday was wet and horible, we all gathered to make the playground tidier. People even came from Yell and Unst to help us!

We cleared moss and lichen from the fence to get them ready to paint.

We cleared all the weeds from the tarmac.

It was hard work, sometimes the scraper stuck on the wood of the fence.

We had soup, bread and ham sandwiches for lunch.

Next we are going to paint, it will look fantastic when we finish it all off.


By Fetlar Primary

April 2016




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Sport Relief

On Friday 18th March we raised money for Sport Relief by having our own version of a ‘Try-athalon’.

Sponcership was gathered from all over the island, and we managed to raise £61!


Thank you to everyone who donated and supported us.




Music Festival

On Tuesday the 15th we went to the Music Fetival in Mareel.

Fetlar Primary School and Baltasound Junior High School were working together as a team. Primary 3/4 sang ‘100 Shetland Islands’ and ‘Concider Yourself’. They were awarded Gold.

Primary 5/6 wrote our own instrumental piece. We made our own instruments. We were awarded Gold.

Primary 7 played the main theme from ‘Star Wars’, we were awarded Bronze.

After performing we went to the playpark. We played on the amazing play equipment before we came home.

We had a fantastic day!DSCF6519


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