Trip To Foula


We went to Foula and it was fun but here’s the thing that I think was funniest, so I was just walking when I came to a trowie like cave and on purpose I stepped on the trowies water hole! Then a burn was coming up and the trowies made me something that looked like a bridge but was just some green stuff in the swamp and I stepped on it and SPLASH! My right leg went right in so then I had to get the water out of my Welles and had wet socks. Also we were going to the Sneck O Da Smallie, anyway on the way back I saw the bridge thing again and I was just trying to tap my foot into the water but it went right in so then my left foot was wet.

At the Foula School there were these bike things and they were really fun. There was this one bike that let one person pedal and another go on the back and I was a taxi man taking everyone everywhere.

There was also a treasure hunt which was fun and adventurous there was 14 clues in the treasure hunt and my favourite was Task: 1 Escape school! At the end we got to choose a prize which was lighting up unicorn, a normal Unicorn and a balloon. I enjoyed the treasure hunt.

To get to Foula we needed to take a plane. The plane was small about 2 cars long, unfortunately we didn’tgo above the clouds but we went close to the clouds. The plane was pretty noisy. I kind of liked the plane ride.

For dinner on the first day we had spaghetti which was orange yellow and green. Imogen cooked it with Mrs Hay and it was delicious.

I liked my time in Foula and hope to go back there one day.

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