Fair Isle Primary School, Shetland

News from Britain's most geographically isolated school

Rock Pooling at Muckle Uri Geo


On Wednesday afternoon, we met with Ranger Sally (FI Bird Observatory) and Nick (our local nature expert) at South Lighthouse for a rock-pooling session.  Some of the children’s finds included brittle starfish, tiny shrimp-like creatures, shore crabs, anemones and a variety of sea-snails. We used an identification chart to find out the names of different types of seaweed.  Nick took a couple of samples home to examine further and confirmed that the tiny banded snail that Luca found is called Cingula trifasciata and is a first record for Fair Isle.  Nick explained that it has been recorded across Orkney with a scattering of records in Shetland (according to National Biodiversity Network).
The children had a wonderful time and it was a lovely, sunny day to be outdoors, learning more about the flora and fauna of our beautiful isle. Thank you Sally and Nick!

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