We hope you have all had a lovely summer holiday. It has been so lovely having everyone back and welcoming the new children into the nursery.
This term we are hoping to have;
Library on Tuesdays
Baking on Wednesdays
Gym on Fridays
Here is a little snap shot of what we have been up to this week:
We have been making some pizza for snack and trying a new fruit. Tori brought in a Dragon Fruit for us all to try. One of the children was able to tell us all about the dragon fruit as she had seen a video about it online.
There has been lots of outside play this week. The bikes have been a big hit. The children were very keen to get outside in the wind and rain today. So we all suited up and headed to the garden. The children made a big puddle with water from the water butt and had lots of fun splashing up and down in it.
The children have been very busy inside as well – playing board games, building towers and castles and lots of drawing.
We hope the children have had a great first week back at nursery.