Category Archives: South Mainland Virtual Sports Day & Picnic

2023-24 Term 3

Term 3 already!

This term all classes will be doing –

Week 1-6 – Racket Activities with Focus and Concentration.   The older classes will be doing a mixture of table tennis, badminton and tennis.  The younger classes will use different rackets and objects to develop their general hitting ability.   All classes will be working on staying focused while listening and working.

Week 7-12 – Fitness with Core Stability and Strength.  All classes will be developing their understanding around fitness and performing in activities that demonstrate different ways people can be active to improve and maintain their fitness.  We will also be focusing on Core Stability and Strength, where we develop our understanding around that particular area and perform exercises that use our core.

Swimming – This year swimming is being lead by SRT staff and is an extra PE lesson.  This term is the turn of P4/5 and P6/7.  The other two classes will get their turn next term.

PE August 2023

Hi and welcome to a new school year.

It was lovely to see all the pupils yesterday, especially meeting the new P1’s.  Here are the points I made at the start on the lesson –

  • Come dressed for PE wearing- appropriate sports clothing.  No jeans, dresses or clothes that get in the way.  The motto is safe and comfortable.  A tee shirt under jumpers is better so when hot they have short sleeves.
  • Shoes should be gym shoes or trainers that are clean and dry.
  • If they are not dressed correctly on the day, the pupil can carry an item to change into.  The example I used was wearing boots in the winter, they would bring trainers in their bag.
  • Hair should be tied back.  I was extremally impressed yesterday as every single person with long hair had done this.  Keep that up.
  • Jewellery – for safety it should be taken off for PE.

Year Focus

This year we are going to be really focusing on what we are learning, and how we get better.

This term our activity is Games.  We will be looking at practical skills for a variety of sports and games like throwing, catching, kicking, striking, bouncing, dribbling, etc.  We will also be looking at other skills we do when playing games, like using the space, aiming, decision making, communication, cooperating, being resilient, persevering, showing respect, coping graciously, plus many more.