Cunningsburgh Primary 1/2 Blog 2022/23

Just another – Shetland site

November 14, 2022
by Miss Hunter

P2 Maths

The P2’s were working on maths today where they were split into teams and had to try complete the sums as fast as they could… they were all so engaged (and showing excellent team skills) that not a single person noticed Miss Hunter doing a wee dance. 🙂

November 8, 2022
by Miss Hunter

Drawing Club

We are doing Chicken Licken this week and we started the week with a drawing of a fox… the only rule was not to do it better than Miss Hunter… every single bairn broke the rule. Amazing pictures all round! 🙂

November 8, 2022
by Miss Hunter

A typical day in Primary 1/2

Hi everyone,

It has been a busy few months but the bairns continue to amaze us everyday. This week we are looking at food webs and pirates so it is sure to be a busy… and yet another quick week!

Here are some of the things the bairns have been up to recently.

August 31, 2022
by Miss Hunter

Poppy Scotland “Bud”

We were so lucky to get invited on to the Poppy Scotland Bud Truck. The first group had so much fun that they forgot to take photos but the second group got some! The bairns got to make their own poppy and have a look at clocking in and out cards as well as lots of other interactive things. A super morning!

August 15, 2022
by Miss Hunter

Hello and Welcome to Primary 1/2 Cunningsburgh! :)

Hello everyone,

We have had a super (and busy) few weeks settling into Primary 1 and 2. Primary 1’s have settled in and it feels like they have been here for a lot longer as they have gelled so well with the Primary 2’s who have been a huge help in getting them all settled into the routines of the class.

For our “topics” this year – we are looking at ‘Big Questions’ and we started last week with living and non living things and this week we are looking at “What are invertebrates and vertebrates?” (List of the questions we are looking at are on the curriculum overview). I was instantly amazed at their answers but we were then able to dig a little deeper with some research. We went from living things… to water… to the water cycle… to photosynthesis!! They are incredible!

Last week our choice target was dinosaurs and this week they have started with The Sea. (List of choice targets also available on the curriculum overview).

The bairns have settled in (already) to the use of targets. They have a literacy target and a numeracy target on their clipboards that need to be done (the teaching is done the day before) and I have been amazed at how quickly they have grasped the routine but also how eager they are to do the targets with no/minimal support. A big thank you to the Primary 2s for helping us with this.

We started Drawing Club with “Not Now, Bernard!” The bairns loved the story and were very quick at picking up the new vocabulary. They then went on to draw some amazing pictures. I was very impressed… and this is only term 1!!

Please see curriculum overview for term 1.

 Term 1 – Curriculum Overview

Thanks! 🙂

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