Early Years 2023-24 Term 1 Week 3

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During our music session this week, we expanded on what we had learned last week by introducing German words for our Good morning/Good night song.  Next we tried hand dancing.  Then, we moved in time with the piano music, matching up our actions with the rhythm by doing running, walking, jumping and freezing.  You’ve heard of air guitar but have you seen air ukuleles?!  We strummed our air ukuleles whilst listening to the beat.  We revisited our postman game at the bairns’ request.  Then it was time to relax, listen to our breathing and think happy thoughts.

One of the bairns shared that he had made gingerbread men at home and a few of the bairns agreed we should make nursery gingerbread men.  The bairns measured out the ingredients, mixed them up in a big bowl and rolled out their dough before using big cookie cutters to form their gingerbread men and women.  They were decorated with pumpkin seeds and popped into the oven.  There was much speculation whether they would sneak out and run away.  However, the next morning they were nowhere to be found.  The bairns listened to the Gingerbread Man story for clues, exploring the setting for evidence and finding a old lady, old man, horse, cow and fox.  The bairns realised that at the end of the book the Gingerbread Man was in water so they took their search party to the outdoor room water trays and were successful in finding one missing gingerbread man who had left a note “Save us from the fox!  We’re in the oven!!”  We discussed how it was safe to check the oven this morning because it wasn’t hot.  The bairns opened the door and found the missing gingerbread men and women.  There was much excitement that they had been found and we could have them for snack after all.

We were delighted to welcome back Claire from Bookbug.  The session began with rhyming songs including Row Row Your Boat and Five Little Ducklings.   The bairns played a popping pea game called Five Fat Peas in a Peapod Press using a piece of stretchy green fabric.  “It popped right in my face!”  Our story this week was Hello, Is That Grandma? about a little boy who was trying to phone his Grandma but lots of different animals answered the phone.  They couldn’t speak for long because they were busy making things for Grandma’s birthday party.  At the end of the book, it was time for the party and Grandma received all her gifts.  Mum was on the phone and the little boy said “no phoning at the table”!

The polycrub yielded more produce this week, including, carrots, onions and beetroot.  The bairns make sure that the vegetables and plants have enough water using watering cans and the hose.  The bairns have been using large loose parts in their outdoor play.  The blue barrel has been used for hiding games and the piping for testing water flow.  The bairns are always happy to chat to their friends at the fence that have moved up to Primary 1.  We took the opportunity to visit the school playground and the bairns explored the equipment and space.  Now that the galley has moved to the lower playground, the bairns were keen to explore their interest in Vikings at a new location.  There was a lot of co-operative play at the running ring, pushing the ring around and taking turns to sit on and be spun.

Our airport play has continued into this term.  We were very lucky to receive a box of old airport equipment and the bairns have been using it in their play all over the setting.  They set up a security area in the quiet room before boarding the plane.  We’ve travelled to Majorca, Africa and Dinosaurland.  We used the smartboard to view the airport camera at Aberdeen Airport.  The bairns could see the planes landing and taking off and used this to extend their play.

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