Cunningsburgh Early Years 2023-24 Term 4 Week 3

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We were delighted to welcome back Mrs Garrick for our music session this week.  We started with the welcome song, including actions.  Then we moved our bodies while listening for the changes in the music – tiptoes, large strides and hopping.  We paired up for A Sailor Went to Sea so that we could clap our hands together.  We carried this on by sitting across the benches in small groups to row our boats.  Heave, Ho! The bairns were keen to volunteer for Everybody Do This with one bairn standing at the front and everybody copying their actions.  The bairns took turns to be up at the front.  We tried out a new song for our graduation concert – it’s under wraps until June!  The bairns asked for Bananas in Pajamas and the Up Helly Aa song to finish up.  They marched around the hall and then lined up at the door while singing.

The play in the outdoor room this week has been varied and has included measure, technology and expressive arts.

The bairns have been engaged in a lot of outdoor play.  This has included cop-operative play, trajectory play and role play.  We also had a fun session at the playpark.

We’ve made another trip to the Salvation Army polycrub to plant more sprouted tatties, neeps and beetroot.  The bairns also potted on seeds including tomato plants.  The bairns had a chat with the goats who were roaming around outside.

We viewed the eggs that we are hatching in the cupboard by shining a torch through the shell to see if there was anything inside.  The bairns could see  movement and noticed an eye going past the side of the shell.

The pre-school bairns are continuing to build their confidence during transition, being supported by their buddies.

We held our bookbug session outside this week, starting off with the hello song.  We moved onto rhyming with Hickory Dickory Dock using puppets and then the bairns listened to a story called The Very Cranky Bear written by Nick Bland.  The bear was trying to get some rest but his friends thought he needed cheering up and offered him what they thought would cheer him up – a lion’s mane, a moose’s antlers and a zebra’s stripes.  Sheep saved the day by using her wool to make a pillow for the bear so that he could have a comfy sleep.

We made the most of our trip to the Folk Festival concert by starting off our adventure rock climbing at Da Sletts.  We also had snack there and then headed off for our next adventure.  We had a quick play at King Harald Street playpark and then made our way to Mareel for the concert.  The bairns waited for the musicians who came through the crowd holding a bunch of bananas!  The musicians interacted with their audience by asking questions about the instruments – highest note, lowest note and longest note.  “I loved dat concert.”

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