Early Years 2034-24 Term 3 Week 12

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We were delighted to welcome our families for a learning breakfast this week.  The bairns were keen to show off their setting, chat with their peers and have some delicious breakfast food.  Thank you to everyone who could make it along.

Our music session this week included 10 fat sausages where the bairns had to line up in a row of 10 until the sausages went bang and pop.  We learned a new song – I Do Like To Be Beside The Seaside.  The bairns moved their bodies around the hall for Bananas in Pajamas.  They sat on the mats and used their hands in time with the music for Johnny has a Hammer.  Mrs Garrick played the fastest Heads Shoulders Knees and Toes ever before we found our zen with the Sound Bowl.

During transition this week, the bairns explored more of the playground, with a few of them taking a look at the area outside the Primary 1/2 classroom.  They took part in group games and chatted with their buddies.

The bairns have spent time in the garden working co-operatively in the sand pit to build a road, creating imaginative play involving a bus trip and revisiting the motion of rolling the hula hoops down the hill.  The bairns used large loose parts to create boats and sail along in the stormy seas.

Since Easter is fast approaching, the bairns have created bunny bags with each so different from the last.  The bairns have been using the playdough to create eggs, adding this into their imaginative play.  We have also watched Easter stories on the smart board.  The Easter bunny visited nursery and the bairns found more than 30 eggs all over the nursery.

The bairns used their paintings to create Easter cards for the sheltered housing residents.  They also wrote an Easter greeting inside.  We went for a walk around the houses to deliver some Easter cheer and drop off the cards.  Afterwards we visited the staff in the school to wish them a Happy Easter.

We split up the hall and had one half for ball and hoop games and the other for bikes.  The bairns created their own games including throwing into the hoops, tag, throwing the ball between friends and trying to make the basketball hoop.  They waited for their turn on the bikes and then maneuvered around the hall.

We have had lots of fun with a few different games to finish off our week after the bairns had been discussing their favourites and requested Pie Face at nursery.  Pie Face was hilarious!  The bairns choose the size of squirty cream and some choose a very small blob while others were keen to have a large blob.

Here is a selection of the rest of our learning and play this week.  The bairns have been getting creative at the message centre and work bench, molding the playdough, engaging in role play and having fun with their friends.

We hope you have a lovely Easter break.  Whether you are home or away, we would love to receive a postcard.  It’ll be exciting to see if any have arrived by the time we are back on Monday 15 April.

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