Early Years 2023-24 Term 3 Week 11

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We had a slightly different music session this week!  The bairns performed at the Shetland Music Festival on the big stage at Mareel and did brilliantly singing their favourite Up Helly Aa songs.  Once our performance was over we headed up Market Street, past the Town Hall and along the Hillhead to the library.  The bairns explored the books, selecting some to read alone, with friends or with an adult.  They chose to colour in printed pictures and played with the toys and wooden tile game.  The tent was also a popular spot for relaxing with a book.  We headed back down to the Viking Bus Station and caught the service bus back to Cunningsburgh just in time for lunch.

We are continuing with our transition activities and the bairns’ confidence in the playground is growing.  Their buddies are supporting them to make the most of their time during break.  The bairns explored the equipment, played chasing games and chatted with their buddies.

The preschoolers P.E. lesson this week focused on listening.  They had to listen to a song which described the actions they had to copy.  The got their bodies moving and their minds concentrating.  The bairns also played with bean bags, balancing them on their heads, kicking and catching.  There was some time at the end for free play and lots of running.

Our outdoor room activities have been as varied as ever with the bairns engaging in block play, making models at the work bench, practicing their aim by throwing at a target, imaginative play with farmers and dogs, water play, climbing, reading, measuring and looking after their babies.

The bairns have used a mixture of loose parts to create all kinds of structures.  These have promoted fine and gross motor skill development.  The large wooden blocks in the outdoor room have been used as a den, house, jail, car, jumping platform, spaceship and more.  The smaller loose parts inside, including the marble run, train tracks, small wooden blocks and Lego have been used in co-operation with the bairns working together to create their vision.

The bairns have been making the most of the “Spring” weather!  They have splashed in puddles, dug in the sand pit, sunbathed, cloud watched, made mud cakes, rolled hula hoops down the hill, sold ice cream, drawn pictures and charged up their jet packs.  We also had a quick trip the playground.  The bairns explored the space, testing out the equipment and creating their own games.

Here is a selection of the remainder of our learning from this week.  The bairns found an exciting discovery in the hen house – not one but two eggs.  Hopefully there will be lots more to come.

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