Early Years 2023-24 Term 3 Week 10

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During our music lesson this week we practiced for our performance at the Music Festival, counted speckled frogs on a speckled log, sang around the piano and then relaxed with the zen bowl.

For our Bookbug session, the bairns sang the Hello Song, rhymed along to Baa Baa Black Sheep and joined in with actions for Jelly on a Plate.  We listened to a story called Dave about a cat who got stuck in the cat flap.  Be sure to ask you bairns about how he escaped!  We used the stretchy blanket for 5 Fat Peas which go pop.  We rhymed again with Hickory Dickory Dock and then it was time to sing the Goodbye Song.

The bairns have been busy outside this week – cooking in the mud kitchen, testing out their theories of motion with hula hoops, climbing, chasing, imaginary play, role play, digging, flying a plastic bag kite, water play and having snack.

We had a successful trip to Lerwick to check out the venue for our performance next week.  After we gathered at Mareel, we headed through to the big stage and practiced our singing.  We had a quick look in the empty cinema where we might have to wait for our turn on Monday.  Once we had finished at Mareel we headed to the peerie beach at the museum.  The bairns threw stones into the water, looked for shells and noticed how some of the rocks were slippery.  We had a quick snack on the benches outside and voted on where to go next – inside the museum or back on the bus to nursery.  The museum won the vote.  Once inside, we split up into groups to explore the artefacts and exhibitions. The bairns were fascinated about the fact that in the ‘olden days’ people couldn’t just go to the shop or order  online for items they needed like food or clothes.

After a discussion about lunches, we decided to make some bread to go along with our lamb stew.  The bairns used an easy to follow flip recipe book that sets out each step of the bread making process using pictures and a few words, over time and practice they will become more confident and independent doing this. They weighed the ingredients, mixed up the dough and then the hard work of kneading the dough began.  We used the push, pull, fold method but it was also fun to slap the dough on the table to try to activate the yeast.  After proving, the dough was baked in the oven at 220C for 30 minutes.  The bairns set the timer so we would know when the bread was ready.

We received some information about British Science Week and the tried out some experiments.  The bairns cut up an apple to extract the seeds before placing into plastic pockets with cotton wool and water.  The pockets were sealed up and placed onto the window.  The experiment will take place over several weeks with the bairns tracking how the seeds change.  We also used apples for a comparison experiment.  We collected six varieties of apples and the bairns compared their size, texture, smell and colour before cutting them open to have a taste.  We kept the apple cores and placed them into plastic pockets to attach to the window.  The bairns will track the changes each apples produces as it rots.

Our preschoolers teamed up with their P6 buddies for transition and headed out to the playground. It was lovely to see them revisiting play from the previous week and chatting with some of the other school bairns. The bairns remembered to listen out for the bell, knowing that it lets them know it’s time to return to nursery.

The preschoolers had another P.E. transition session this week which focused on aiming.  There were different stations set up around the hall including aiming for colour on a target, throwing a ball in a hoop and boccia.  The bairns also played a game of catchy with hula hoops so that if you were caught you had to stand in the hula hoop for three seconds before being set free.  The bairns had to listen to the instructions for each station and take turns. The lesson finished with time for  freestyle play with the hula hoops.

As part of Red Nose Day, the bairns added red noses to their snack using raspberries.  They used their imagination to create funny faces with apples, raspberries, raisins and breadsticks.

Here is a selection of the rest of our learning and play this week.


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