Early Years 2023-24 Term 3 Week 7

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Our music lesson this week revisited what we had covered the previous week starting with moving our bodies to the piano music, stretching, one potato two potato, Dinosaur Roar, the banana song, heads shoulders knees and toes and finishing with zen relaxation.

Our outdoor room is a popular area with the bairns.  This week they have used their gross motor skills for climbing and jumping, explored the sand pit by turning it into a volcano, city and race track and built structures with the blocks including a ferry and a house site.  We’ve also had a few renditions of the Up Helly Aa song complete with Vikings and their torches marching around a galley.

How much fun can you have with a plastic bag and a piece of string on a windy day?!  The bairns used the bag and string to test the direction of the wind, noticing its strength and varying speed during gusts.  The bairns wondered if the wind was strong enough to lift something.  They chose to test their theory with tractors and tied these to the back.  There was much surprise when the tractors took flight over the garden.  We discussed the environmental impact of plastic and how we shouldn’t let go of our plastic bags in case a bird became tangled.  The bairns made up their own game called Don’t Get Caught By The Bag which involved them running all over the garden to escape the bag.

Here is a selection of the remaining learning and development from this week.  There has been lots of co-operative game play, creative building and helping our friends with the nursery routines.


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