Early Years 2023-24 Term 3 Week 6

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We had another energetic music session this week, starting with musical hoops.  The bairns moved around the hall using their bodies to match the tempo of the piano music and then when the music stopped they had to find a hoop to stand inside or they were out.  We stretched our bodies up the ceiling and down to the floor.  We practiced our gardening with a song about growing potatoes.  Then it was time to up the volume for the dinosaur roar song.  We also stomped around the hall with big movements just like gigantic dinosaurs.  Mrs Garrick had a new song for us with actions.  One person sat at the front with the left leg stretched out and then moved it according to the words of the song – up and down, side to side and round about.  The bairns also had fun trying to touch their knee to their nose.  When we heard the sound of the relaxation bowl we quietly made our way to the door to line up and head back to nursery.

Early in the week the bairns were speaking about pancake day so we checked what ingredients we would need so we were ready to bake on Tuesday.  The bairns measured out the ingredients and mixed up the batter.  After the first pancake was ready, the bairns took turns flipping the pancake in the air.  There was a lot of laughter when the pancake landed anywhere other then the pan!

We were delighted to welcome back Claire from Bookbug.  We sang our hello song and then gathered for an action song with jelly on a plate, sizzling sausages in a pan and twisting noodles with a fork.  The bairns listened to a story called My Mum has X-Ray Vision by Angela McAllister about a boy called Milo who tests out his theory that his mum has x-ray vision because she always knows what he is doing, especially when he is bouncing on the bed, using mum’s saucepans to make potions or fighting dragons in the bath.  The bairns were excited to see that Claire had brought her pea pod blanket.  We stretched and stretched until the peas popped when we let go of the material.  The bairns huddled under the blanket for Grand Old Duke of York and then we finished by singing the Goodbye song.

We extend the bairns’ development by incorporating numeracy into everyday play.  This week the bairns used the number line to see how far they could jump, shouting out the number when they landed.  Then they switched to see how high they could jump and if they could reach their chosen number.

We attended a school assembly that was run by the Primary 1-2 class.  The bairns learned facts about animals and their senses.

Here is a selection of the rest of the learning and development from this week.  The bairns have been getting creative at the message centre, building dens, exploring the loose parts resources outside and making snakes from the magnet sticks.

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