Early Years 2023-24 Term 1 Weeks 7 & 8

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Another busy couple of weeks to finish off the term!

Our last week of African drumming with Joy and we certainly went out with a bang! We all joined in with a fun call and answer song where the bairns showed off their dance moves then the others copied.

We had a fantastic harvest from the nursery raised bed at the Salvation Army Community Polycrub. The bairns took up all the remaining tatties and a row of carrots.  We delivered some vegetable parcels around the sheltered housing residents using  beautifully decorated paper bags the bairns made using a mix of drawings, leaf prints using leaves from the garden and some added writing to give ideas of what they could cook with the vegetables.

It was lovely to see so many of our families at the stay and play, the bairns always love having their parents in to see where they spend their days and showing them favourite resources and areas in the setting.

Childsmile visited this week to apply flouride varnish.  We gathered in the quiet room to learn about what would happen.  Dougan the Dog demonstrated how to lie down, put on the sunglasses and the bairns had the opportunity to feel the cotton wood and tiny brush.  We headed through to the library in small groups to have the varnish applied.  The bairns listened to the instructions and had varied things to say about the taste of the varnish!

Have a great October break and we will look forward to hearing all your news next term. If you are heading away or having a holiday at home please send a postcard so we can see where everyone has been.