Early Years 2023-24 Term 1 Week 6

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We made our way to the Village Club for another African drumming session, revisiting the names of the drums as we got started.  We practiced the name song with everybody listening for their turn and shouting out their name as we moved around the room.   We learned a new call and response rhythm using our voices and the drums together.  Then it was time to go bananas!  When we returned to the school hall, the bairns were keen to move around and this gave us the opportunity to move our bodies in time with the music while listening the changing beat.  There were some interesting freeze poses!  We learned the words and action for a call and response song about weather, listening the loud bangs of thunder and the soft tinkling rain.  Finally, Mrs Garrick brought in her Singing Bowl for our zen finish.

Mud, mud, glorious mud!  The bairns are still keen to explore the wonders of our muddy garden, especially at the mud kitchen.  They have added various vehicles for imaginary play turning the puddle in to a construction site.  The bairns used small strips of sticky tape to make garden bracelets, collecting up leaves, stones, flowers and sticks.  We extended this interest by setting up a printing station.  The bairns found lots of garden texture to make pictures, including leaves, flowers, handprints and a boot footprint.

We’ve been discussing ways to show kindness this week.  The bairns had lots of great ideas that showed in their play – using our listening lugs, making someone a picture, working together to tidy up, giving someone a hug, being kind to animals, helping the younger bairns find things, taking turns in games, making someone laugh, having a dance party and making cakes, cookies and sausages for friends at the playdough station.  We also encourage the bairns to use kind hands and kind words.

The bairns noticed that we had lots of very ripe pears in the fruit bowl and asked to make a cake.  After searching for the right recipe we found a yoghurt and pear cake.  The pears would be perfect to add some sweetness.  We used eggs from our nursery hens and the bairns added and mixed the ingredients together.  When they were discussing a pattern for the top, the most popular suggestion was a sunshine with a smiley face because the cake batter was yellow.

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