Maths. For maths this week, we have been very busy. We played the silent count game where we had to take it in turns to count to 100 by finding the numbers on a number board. It seemed like a simple task but was actually quite tricky. We then did some ‘blether stations’ outside to practice learning about using timetables. We’ve also had a lot of fun playing ‘Blooket’ to practice our times table knowledge.
Symmetrical Artwork. For an art this week, Mrs Adamson challenged the learners to complete the picture of different animals. The results are incredible and the learners all did such an amazing job.
Big Question. This week we have been thinking about different materials and their properties. We had a scavenger hunt to find as many different materials as we could in and around the school. We also looked at reversible and irreversible changes and did a fun experiment to test this out.