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Term 1 Week 5

Maths. For maths this week, we have been very busy. We played the silent count game where we had to take it in turns to count to 100 by finding the numbers on a number board. It seemed like a simple task but was actually quite tricky. We then did some ‘blether stations’ outside to practice learning about using timetables. We’ve also had a lot of fun playing ‘Blooket’ to practice our times table knowledge.

Symmetrical Artwork. For an art this week, Mrs Adamson challenged the learners to complete the picture of different animals. The results are incredible and the learners all did such an amazing job.

Big Question.  This week we have been thinking about different materials and their properties. We had a scavenger hunt to find as many different materials as we could in and around the school. We  also looked at reversible and irreversible changes and did a fun experiment to test this out.

Term 1 Week 4

Writing. This week for writing we have used Monsters Inc as our stimulus. We have written stories about monsters in the house and then created wanted posters about their made up monsters. The learners still kept their writing target in mind and did a super job at ensuring their posters had a range of connectives.

Big Question. This week our big question focused on key events in space exploration. As a class, we looked at a timeline of key events that took place from 150BCE until the present day. The learners then worked in groups to create their own timelines and fact files. I was so impressed with the variety of timelines and fact files and how each group did something completely different. Collaboration, creativity, problem solving and digital skills were very evident across the class.

Life Skills. On Thursday afternoons, Carrie-Ann is working with groups to focus on some basic life-skills. This came after the learners requested to do more baking and cooking. Over the last two weeks, the learners have been learning all things eggs. They’ve been taught how to scramble eggs, fry eggs, make eggy bread and make omelettes. As well as this,  they have been shown how to make a cup of tea or coffee and make toast. Through this, they have also focused on safety in the kitchen and how to clean and tidy up. You’ll maybe all be treated to breakfast in bed this weekend.

Term 1 Week 3


This week for our times table practice we did some times table relays. We had to work in teams, taking turns to write out different times table facts in order. It seemed like a simple task but it maybe wasn’t as easy as expected.


For our writing stimulus this week, we have been focusing on the Good Dinosaur. The learners have produced some amazing persuasive posters and also fact files about different dinosaurs.

Big Question 

This week our focus has been on the moon. We learned about the different phases of the moon using Oreo cookies. Learners also created moon spinners and some super ICT based posters on the moon.

This or that

We have focused on World War 1 and National Dog Day.  The learners made fact chains with information about dogs and then some super posters, PowerPoints, or artwork linked to WW1.

Term 1 Week 2


This week we were focusing on our counting skills and the learners had lots of fun challenging themselves with a 5-minute counting challenge. I was so impressed with different strategies the learners were using throughout the challenge and they were able to identify different patterns within their numbers.


We started to our writing this week by entering into the world of ‘Toy Story’ as our stimulus. The learning target we are focusing on at the moment is connectives and I am so impressed with how hard all learners have worked to ensure they are using ‘high-level’ connectives in their writing, even in their poems. The learners all produced an acrostic poem this week all about ‘their room’. The results blew me away as it was a very tricky task.

Big Question

The Big Question this week has been focused on the different planets within the Solar System. We started by learning about the order of the planets and then some learners helped to act out how the planets orbit the sun. The learners then worked in groups to create posters about the 8 planets. We also created pictures of the Solar System to try and show the scale of the planets and how far apart they are from each other.

This or That

This week we have been focusing on National Rollercoaster Day and Radios. The learners have been super busy building and creating their own rollercoasters and radios. I am so impressed with the level of imagination and creativity on show from everyone.

Welcome to P6/7

Hello everyone and welcome to our P6/7 blog for 2024-2025. It has been so lovely to welcome the pupils back this week and they have already shown they ready to learn and have fun.  There has been some incredible writing, fantastic independent learning and a lot of skills spotted throughout the busy learning taking place. Our class motto ‘Believe in the Power of Me’ now has pride of place in our classroom too.