Shining Bright in 2025. As a back to school activity we looked at ‘SHINE’ and how we can all shine bright in 2025. The class all thought about each letter and wrote things linked to being Successful, Happy, Independent, Nurtured and Engaged.
Paper Cup Challenge. We looked at some team working skills at the start of the week and took part in the ‘Paper Cup Challenge’. The groups had 10 minutes to build a pyramid of paper cups by using string and an elastic band. There were lots of different strategies at play and some teams completed it very quickly whilst others showed great perseverance and used all of their time.
Big Creative Play. Miss Hunter and P1/2 came for a big, creative play this week. The learners picked someone to work with as well as having the freedom to do whatever they would like. We were absolutely blown away by all the creative things that we saw. We had paintings, penguins, computer tasks, tractors, snow art, posters, painting, a whole lot of fun and plenty more! We also saw creativity, collaboration, communication, kindness, imagination, joy and so much more! Thank you to Miss Hunter and the amazing P1/2 for such a special morning.
Big Question. This week we have been looking at how we keep our bodies safe and healthy. We looked at mental health and how we can help ourselves and others when we are finding things tricky as well as practicing some mindfulness activities. We spoke about emergencies and what we can do in different situations. We then looked at germs and in groups researched different aspects in groups – Cleanliness Champions, Handwashing Experts, Cough and Sneeze Patrol and Food Safety Sleuths.