All posts by Mrs Adamson

Term 3 Week 10

Scratch Coding. This week we have been working on our coding skills by using Scratch. For some pupils, this was a brand new thing and some already had experience in it. We worked on becoming familiar with the layout and controls within Scratch and the class all created amazing projects with moving parts, sounds, text and more.

Class visitors. On Wednesday afternoon, Stuart and Mr. Hayes came to visit the class from Sandwick Junior High School. We had a lot of fun matching faces, names and facts of the different staff members at the school and they spoke about worries and excitements linked to secondary school.

Big Question/Writing . For this week’s big question, we have been looking at the journey our food takes from where it is grown to our plates here in Shetland. The class worked in pairs to research different foods and then create a poster all about their food.  As our writing targets are linked to presentation and sentence length, the pairs had to really consider their layout, text, and images when creating their posters. They did so well that they have again managed to get into the 100 Club for writing. Well done P6/7!

SMUHA. On Friday morning, we were able to go out and watch the nursery procession and galley burning. We then welcomed the SMUHA Jarl Squad into school. It was a super morning and everyone enjoyed getting a close up look of the helmets, shields and more.  Three cheers for SMUHA!


Term 3 Week 9

Johnnie Notions Museum Visit. On Monday, we had a visit from the Shetland Museum to talk about Johnnie Notions and all he did to help tackle smallpox. Thanks to Mari for coming in to share with us.

It was lovely to see all the different ways that the class presented their home learning for this term. I was so busy watching them that I never took any photos. Well done P6/7!

Food hygiene. On Wednesday afternoon, Irene (Jack’s mum) came in to speak to us about food hygiene. We had lots of fun and there was a lot of debate about where we keep our eggs.

World Book Day. On Thursday, we celebrated World Book Day by taking part in a ‘Footy and Booky’ quiz which challenged the class to then create their own quiz. We had super fun doing this and the class came up with some super questions. We also had opportunities to read books we’d brought from home as well as enjoying the cosy area set up by Carrie-Ann.

Term 3 Week 8

Body Blast – Class Assembly. This week we have been working towards putting on our class assembly. We decided to base this around the human body and things we have been learning over the last few weeks. The class split up into teams and each took on a different element to prepare. One group were the hosts, one group focused on the skeleton, one on the heart, one on the digestive system and one group found some weird and wonderful facts about the human body. There was lots of audience participation throughout the assembly and even some of the adults got involved. The whole class were amazing and I was so proud of how they all found different and engaging ways to present their information, ensuring that the audience would be constantly engaged. Well done P6/7, you are superstars!

Term 3 Week 7

Big Question – The Digestive System. This week we started to look at the digestive system for our big question. After learning about how it works, we did an experiment to show how food travels through your digestive system and what happens at each stage. There was a lot of laughter as the class worked in groups to complete their experiment.

Following on from this, we investigated different organs in the body. Each group was given 2 organs and full creative license to show their learning how every they wanted. We had posters, presentations, models, quizzes and more. It was great to see all of the different ways the groups worked together.

Writing – Japanese Folklore posters. This week, one of the writing tasks for the class was to create a report about a story or creature from Japanese folklore. The class could choose to use Canva or handwrite their posters and I was blown away by their creations. They all really thought about their creature and created designs linked to their colours, features or stories. Well done P6/7!

Term 3 Week 6

Maths – Fractions. This week we spent a little bit of time outside learning about equivalent fractions.

Big Question – The Skeletal System. This week we were learning about the skeletal system and the different bones. We worked in pairs to draw skeletons and label as many bones as possible. There were lots of laughs whilst drawing the skeletons but the results are super.

Term 3 Week 5

Last week’s Big Question. Here are the last two group presenting information about the respiratory system and problems that can sometimes occur within this system.

A Whole New World – National Chopsticks Day. To celebrate National Chopsticks Day, we took part in the ‘Great Chopstick Invention Challenge’. The class were all given a set of chopsticks and had to invent something different with them or use them in a different way. The results were amazing and I was impressed with the level of creativity and problem solving on show.

This week’s Big Question – The Heart! This Wednesday, Sean Thuis came in for the afternoon to teach us all about the heart and the Circulatory system. We took part in a fun simulation to learn about how blood travels around the body and how much work the heart does to facilitate this. We then had a chance to see how different pieces of equipment are used to monitor and check the heart.  We all had a splendid afternoon and a big thank you to Sean for coming in to see us.

Writing and ICT. This week as part of our writing tasks, we have been using Canva to create posters about endangered animals from Peru (our writing stimulus for the week is ‘Paddington in Peru’). We went over the basics for using Canva and then the class were paired up, one ‘expert’ and one ‘soon-to-be-expert’ and given a Peruvian animal. Our ‘Canva experts’ were so good at supporting their peers and showed great leadership and collaboration skills. I was so impressed with how quickly everyone was able to use Canva and the results are amazing. They have all created excellent posters about different endangered animals from Peru. On top of this, they all achieved their writing targets so they have joined the ‘100 club’ again! Well done P6/7!

Term 3 Week 4

Table Tennis with Mrs. Smith. On Monday Mrs. Smith and Chris came in to do some table tennis with the class. We started with some ‘bat basics’ and then took part in different challenges and games. We are looking forward to more sessions with them in the coming weeks.

Big Question. This week our big question has focused on the Respiratory System. We looked at the body parts that make up the system before trying a peerie experiment to see how powerful our diaphragms are. The class then worked in groups to create models of the respiratory system and researched some key things that affect this system, like asthma, allergies or smoking. (Two groups are still to share so more photos to follow next week).

Term 3 Week 3

Cunningsburgh’s got Talent. Last week, P4/5 held a super ‘Cunningsburgh’s got Talent’ on Friday afternoon which was enjoyed by everyone. There were so many amazing acts, they had to hold a grand final this Monday afternoon. Some of the class showed off their amazing talents which I was so impressed with. Well done to P4/5 for a brilliant show and a super well done to those from P6/7 who took part. Cunningsburgh really does have talent!

A visit from the Coastguard team. On Wednesday afternoon, Dave, Kat and Liam came in to speak to us about the role of the coastguard and how to keep safe around the coast. We also got a chance to try on some of the key pieces that are used and have a go with the rescue lines. It was great to have the team in and we are very thankful to them for giving up their time.


Term 3 Week 2

Big Question – How do we keep our bodies balanced? This week we have been focusing on living ‘balanced’ lives and what this means. We began the week by looking at exercise and why that is important for our bodies. We took part in a couple of Joe Wicks workouts throughout the week which we mostly enjoyed by all. We then looked at sleep and how vital it is to get ‘the right amount’ of sleep. We made some very creative dream catchers linked in with this.  We finished the week thinking about rest and how thought about ways we can ‘Relax, Eat something, Step outside and Talk to someone’ to help us rest and give our bodies and minds what they need.

French fun. For our French focus this week, we’ve been doing more work linked to countries. We played a ‘match the flag’ relay race before looking at simple phrases to say ‘I live / he lives / she lives’ in different countries. We practiced this by playing bingo which is always a favourite with the class.

Term 3 Week 1

Shining Bright in 2025. As a back to school activity we looked at ‘SHINE’ and how we can all shine bright in 2025. The class all thought about each letter and wrote things linked to being Successful, Happy, Independent, Nurtured and Engaged.

Paper Cup Challenge.  We looked at some team working skills at the start of the week and took part in the ‘Paper Cup Challenge’.  The groups had 10 minutes to build a pyramid of paper cups by using string and an elastic band. There were lots of different strategies at play and some teams completed it very quickly whilst others showed great perseverance and used all of their time.

Big Creative Play. Miss Hunter and P1/2 came for a big, creative play this week. The learners picked someone to work with as well as having the freedom to do whatever they would like. We were absolutely blown away by all the creative things that we saw.  We had paintings, penguins, computer tasks, tractors, snow art, posters, painting, a whole lot of fun and plenty more! We also saw creativity, collaboration, communication, kindness, imagination, joy and so much more! Thank you to Miss Hunter and the amazing P1/2 for such a special morning.

Big Question. This week we have been looking at how we keep our bodies safe and healthy. We looked at mental health and how we can help ourselves and others when we are finding things tricky as well as practicing some mindfulness activities. We spoke about emergencies and what we can do in different situations. We then looked at germs and in groups researched different aspects in groups – Cleanliness Champions, Handwashing Experts, Cough and Sneeze Patrol and Food Safety Sleuths.