All posts by Mrs Ritchie

Games Making

We spent 3 weeks in PE making up our own games.  The focus of the block was on how we worked with others.  We spoke about listening to everyone, giving everyone a chance to put in their ideas and accepting that your ideas are not always chosen by the group.  We also spoke about trying out the ideas and that they don’t always work first time, they may need tweaked a little or a lot before the group is happy.  The things we had to consider when creating a game were

  • how do you play the game
  • what are any rules and what happens if those rules are broken
  • how many people can play
  • what equipment do we need.

Flexibility and Yoga

Our first PE block of the New Year was 3 weeks of a flexibility and yoga sequence.  We learnt how being more flexible can have a positive impact on every aspect of our life.   We also learnt that flexibility is a very personal skill and it only improves with practice.

We did the same routine each week, but changed the focus.  The first time through was to learn the movement and technique of all the different actions.  The second emphasise was on developing each stretch or pose.  Thirdly we performed the routine as a flow, moving through the exercises much more fluently.  We then had time to put some of the positions and skills into practice, performing partner poses.  Here we had to use the descriptions on the cards to work out how to perform the pose.




Term 1 PE

This term in PE we have been doing activities from the Better Movers and Thinkers programme.

“Better Movers and Thinkers (BMT) is an approach to learning and teaching in physical education designed to develop the ability of all children and young people to move and think in a more cohesive way with a specific focus on developing, enhancing and fostering Executive Function (EF) skills within the learning process.” Better Movers and Thinkers Resource Pack.

Although our main focus has been on Coordination & Fluency, we have worked on many different Specific Aspects of Learning including, kinaesthetic awareness, gross and fine motor skills, communication,  decision making and stamina are just a few.

The following videos show the class, in 2 groups, performing a sequence.  The activity started with each person creating their own sequence.  The second stage was to pair up and choose one of the sequences to perform together.   5 pairs then grouped together to, again, choose one of the sequences that the whole group learnt and performed together.    The pupils used lots of skills to be able to perform the final sequence, including communication, cooperation, decision making and respect & tolerance.