Term 3 Week 10

Scratch Coding. This week we have been working on our coding skills by using Scratch. For some pupils, this was a brand new thing and some already had experience in it. We worked on becoming familiar with the layout and controls within Scratch and the class all created amazing projects with moving parts, sounds, text and more.

Class visitors. On Wednesday afternoon, Stuart and Mr. Hayes came to visit the class from Sandwick Junior High School. We had a lot of fun matching faces, names and facts of the different staff members at the school and they spoke about worries and excitements linked to secondary school.

Big Question/Writing . For this week’s big question, we have been looking at the journey our food takes from where it is grown to our plates here in Shetland. The class worked in pairs to research different foods and then create a poster all about their food.  As our writing targets are linked to presentation and sentence length, the pairs had to really consider their layout, text, and images when creating their posters. They did so well that they have again managed to get into the 100 Club for writing. Well done P6/7!

SMUHA. On Friday morning, we were able to go out and watch the nursery procession and galley burning. We then welcomed the SMUHA Jarl Squad into school. It was a super morning and everyone enjoyed getting a close up look of the helmets, shields and more.  Three cheers for SMUHA!


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