Term 3 Week 9

Well, it has been a very busy week in P6/7. 

Fabulous Fundraising. The pupils did an amazing job before, during and after the coffee morning and I’ve heard even helped with the baking at home too. It was a fantastic morning that the pupils all enjoyed and I am so proud of how hard each one of them worked. Great effort and an amazing amount raised. Well done P6/7 (and parents)!

Active maths. This week we have been revising addition and subtraction by playing different games and completing activities on the laptops. We also had some ‘Stopwatch Olympics’ as a warm up activity in our maths this week which was very much enjoyed by everyone. The competitive natures of some very much came into play :).

Polytunnel trips. This week both the whole class had the opportunity to visit the polytunnel and do some different jobs there. Pupils were involved in making, sanding and painting planters and some had the opportunity to plant things as well.

Symbols of Hope. With the clay now dry, we were able to paint our symbols of hope this week and they look great.

World Book Day. We celebrated World Book day on Friday this week. Some pupils choose to come to school dressed up or in their pjs. We also had a World Book Day quiz which Innes, Calen, Rocco and Mark were the winners of. We all enjoyed a ‘Reading Café’ in the afternoon where we had hot chocolate and biscuits and had time to read our books with some of the younger pupils too.

SMUHA. We had a great day celebrating SMUHA in school with a visit from the Jarl Squad in the morning and then our own galley burning in the afternoon.



Term 3 Week 8

Class Assembly. This week has been spent planning and preparing for our class assembly. The pupils all took responsibility for their own parts of the assembly covering democracy, gods and goddesses, culture, food and myths. They all did an amazing job and I am so proud of each of them for doing something they were confident and comfortable to do.

Setting up for the Fundraiser. We’ve been busy setting up for the fundraiser for P7’s trip to Unst. The whole class were keen to get involved and have created signs, planned games, set tables and more. They have learned some great teamworking skills as well as how to stack cups in a ‘fancy’ way (to the amusement of some). We hope to see you there 🙂

Term 3 Week 7

Drumming. This week was our final drumming lesson and we performed our piece to the rest of the school. The drummers all worked so hard on keeping in time with each others and the dancers did a fantastic joy at listening to Joy’s drum telling them what moves to do and when.

Big Question. This week we’ve been learning about different Ancient Greek myths and mythological creatures. The pupils have been working on presentation skills in their literacy so we combined the two and they created posters about mythological creatures. They put in so much effort and the results are amazing!

We also watched the story of Pandora’s box and then created our own symbols of hope out of clay. We are still waiting on them all being fully dry before we paint them.

Active Spelling. We’ve been doing some active spelling games this week to help with learning our spelling words.


Term 3 Week 6

Big Question. This week in our Big Question we’ve been learning about different gods and goddesses from Ancient Greece. Pupils worked in pairs to make fact files about some of the most well known gods and goddesses and then they created their own.

This or That. This week our tasks included learning about the Trojan War and linked to National Radio Day. Some pupils decided to work together and create their own radio shows all about the Trojan War whilst others created their own  radios using junk modelling.

Jigsaw completed! It’s been a team effort to get this 1000 piece puzzle completed. Unfortunately, there was 1 piece missing on completion but the class have loved having it to work on.

Term 3 Week 5

Big Question. This week we have been learning all about different aspects of war in Ancient Greece. We learned about ‘Hoplites’, researched some famous wars and also created our own ‘Hoplon’ shields.

Snow. Here are some photos of the fun we’ve had in the snow this week.


Term 3 Week 4

African Drumming. This week was week 2 of our African drumming block and we’re certainly being challenged by Joy with the complicated rhythms we have to learn. It is all starting to come together and next week we’re hoping to add in some dance moves.

All about Vikings! We had a fantastically busy day on Tuesday as we worked with P4/5 to create our own Viking gallery. In groups, we created 3 exhibition pieces and in the afternoon P1 – 3 came to our open day. The creativity and team work on show was incredible and it’s safe to say, a lot of fun was had by everyone!

Democracy in Ancient Greece. This week we’ve been learning all about Democracy in Ancient Greece which has raised a lot of good questions and interesting discussions. The class had to watch a video and write their own notes before using these to create their own posters.

Term 3 Week 3

Big Questions. This week our big question has been to learn about life in Ancient Greece. We’ve looked at and compared houses, hobbies, jobs and education to life then and now. We’ve also been learning about Ancient Greek foods, created our own menus and also had a chance to taste some different foods. Our learning wall for the term is really becoming quite full with all the amazing work from the class.

African Drumming. This week we started our block of African Drumming with Joy. There was lots of fun and we’ve certainly some talented drummers in the class.

Maths. This week we started our block of work on time and were learning about 12 and 24 hour times and how to change between the two. We also played some games to think about length of time too.

Term 3 Week 1

Happy New Year!

It’s been so lovely having the pupils back and hearing all their holiday news.

Big Question. This week, we have started learning about Ancient Greece and pupils had to work in groups to research a place and monument. The whole class showed off their creativity in showing their learning as we had fortune tellers full of facts, ancient maps, scrapbooks and even some Grecian urns. Well done P6/7 for the amazing ideas!


Term 2 Week 9

Christmas Party. We had lots of fun at our Christmas party on Monday afternoon.

Christmas Big Play. On request of some pupils, we held a Christmas Big Play on Tuesday afternoon whereby we opened all the classroom doors and pupils could play anywhere. It was lots of fun 🙂

Micro:bits with P1 – 3. This week we have run workshops for P1/2 and P3 to have a go at using Micro:bits. The P6/7 pupils were excellent examples of leadership and I think we’ve some budding coders across the whole school.

Christmas Lunch. A big thank you to the canteen ladies for cooking such a delicious Christmas lunch and to the Primary 7 pupils for helping to set tables and serve the P1 – 6 pupils in the school. A festive feast indeed.

Christmas Assembly at the church.  On Friday, we went to the church for a short end of term assembly. The pupils all sang beautifully and we got to hear the story of Jesus and Christmas.




Term 2 Week 8

Christmas Concert – Straw and Order. A massive congratulations to all of P6/7 for putting on excellent performances of ‘Straw and Order’ this week. They have been working hard for a good few weeks now on learning lines, singing songs, making props and they really pulled it out of the bag on the day! It was also lovely to hear our fiddlers playing too. Well done, you are all shining stars.

Christmas Artwork. Here is a selection of some artwork that has been created in class this week. Some of our younger pupils really love the Grinch pictures and have been spotted discussing all the different drawings and using them to practice their counting skills too.

Christmas Around the World. This week, pupils worked in groups to research different countries and how they celebrate Christmas. They had to find out about food/drink, carols and songs, traditions, Santa and much more.