Term 2 Week 8

Christmas Concert – Straw and Order. A massive congratulations to all of P6/7 for putting on excellent performances of ‘Straw and Order’ this week. They have been working hard for a good few weeks now on learning lines, singing songs, making props and they really pulled it out of the bag on the day! It was also lovely to hear our fiddlers playing too. Well done, you are all shining stars.

Christmas Artwork. Here is a selection of some artwork that has been created in class this week. Some of our younger pupils really love the Grinch pictures and have been spotted discussing all the different drawings and using them to practice their counting skills too.

Christmas Around the World. This week, pupils worked in groups to research different countries and how they celebrate Christmas. They had to find out about food/drink, carols and songs, traditions, Santa and much more.

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