A short but busy week

STEM with Emma Chittick. On Monday we had a visit from Emma Chittick where we had to create and build our own land yachts in teams of two or three. We also spoke about the importance of meta-skills especially adapting, collaborating, communicating, creativity, critical thinking and leadership skills. One other skill that was definitely important for the task was resilience as the pupils had to build and test their designs several times to get the best land yacht possible. Emma and Neve were the winners after the final test but a massive well done to everyone who took part.

Endangered Animals Presentations. It has been lovely to see all the wonderful homework projects created by the class. We practiced our presentation skills when sharing our researched information about endangered animals. Great job P6/7!

Learner Led Event. Thank you to everyone who came along to our Learner Led Event today. We hope you all enjoyed our Maths Week Scotland activities and a chance to see some of the things we’ve been up to this term.


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