Monthly Archives: May 2024

Term 4 Week 7

Big Question. This week we have been thinking about different forms of transport and transportation networks within different world cities. The class worked in groups and then shared their findings with the class. We also made some ‘World landmark’ hot air balloon artwork.

This or That. We had the choice between dogs, USA and netball for our be our quest this week and then also had to design a new biscuit for ‘National biscuit day’. Some lovely creations made by the class.

Term 4 Week 6

Primary 6’s week with P4/5. Here are just a selection of photos from the week that P6 spent with Mrs. Johnson and Primary 4/5. They were absolute stars all week (as I knew they would be) and hopefully all had a ball!

Primary 7’s trip to Unst. Here are just a selection of photos from our trip to Unst. The kids all had a super time and, despite the weather, we had a fun exploring Unst.

Term 4 Week 5

Big Question – Natural Disasters. This week our focus has been all around the different natural disasters we’ve not covered. Pupils worked in groups to research 7 different natural disasters and then shared their learning with the class. Great to see excellent team work and lots of original ideas across the groups.

Term 4 Week 4

All about Volcanoes. This week our ‘Big Question’ has been learning all about volcanoes and how an eruption happens. Pupils worked independently to create a poster / booklet / PowerPoint about Volcanoes and then in groups created models about famous volcanoes. We then all had a go at making our own volcanic eruptions. A couple of pupils wanted to use up the last of the materials and created a bigger version of the experiment we did. I think everyone had a lot of fun!

Electric Explorers. On Thursday afternoon, Primary 4 – 6 went to the village club to take part in a workshop by Edinburgh Science Festival. They all came back full of news and excitement about the event.

Earthquake Challenge. On Friday afternoon, we had a group task to build a structure of at least 30cm in height that could withstand an earthquake. The pupils could use anything they wanted to build their structures and there were points for creativity and structural integrity. Amazing creativity and team work on show from all teams and some very original designs. Both P7 girl groups won 1st place for creative design and P6 girls were runners up. One of the P7 girl groups also won for their structure as it hardly moved when hit by a powerful earthquake. Well done to everyone!


Music – Heroes of Troy

For the past few weeks in music, P.6-7 have been completing their Heroes of Troy topic which related to the Ancient Greece class project from last term.

Heroes of Troy is a BBC Schools Radio programme, and each week the pupils have learnt a song which are in various contrasting styles, they have listen to recorded music in the different styles and watched an episode which tells the story of the Trojan War.

Here is a recording of one of the songs: ‘Is it Love?’ The recording doesn’t do their singing in parts and harmony justice but hopefully it will give an idea of what they have been doing.

Term 4 Week 3

All about kites. For our writing this week, we were focused on creating posters about kites. The class all had their own creative spin on these, with some using Canva and some hand-drawing / writing them. As an extension to this, the class had the opportunity to create or make their own kites. There was lots of testing and experimenting with designs to see if any of them would fly.

Trip to the Burn. With such a sunny day, Primary 4 – 7 walked to the Tow burn. A great time was had by all.



We have had great fun trying some simple orienteering tasks in PE.  Orienteering is an activity that requires you to follow a map to navigate your way around a course in the shortest possible time.  We have learnt how to follow a map, what a key is and how to use it, keep the map orientated to the group, what a control is and how we use them, work with others and many other useful things that help us to navigate around an orienteering course.