Term 4 Week 2

Rocking Reading. This term we are working on reading stamina and trying to increase the amount of time we can read independently. Everyone is doing really well with the challenge and it has been lovely to see people choosing more challenging novels or books that they normally wouldn’t read.

Big Question – Tsunamis. This week our big question has been learning all about tsunamis. We made tsunami chatterboxes and posters about the stages in a tsunami and we will be doing a design challenged linked to these and another natural disaster next week.

This or That. For our challenges this week we were learning about Earth Day and we made posters or presentations around the theme ‘Plastic vs the Planet’ (the theme for Earth day 2024). The pupils did an amazing job and were able to experiment with different features with PowerPoint and Canva. Our ‘Be our Quest’ tasks were a choice between birds, Australia and boats/fishing. The pupils demonstrated amazing collaboration, creativity and focusing to complete their quest.

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