Term 3 Week 9

Well, it has been a very busy week in P6/7. 

Fabulous Fundraising. The pupils did an amazing job before, during and after the coffee morning and I’ve heard even helped with the baking at home too. It was a fantastic morning that the pupils all enjoyed and I am so proud of how hard each one of them worked. Great effort and an amazing amount raised. Well done P6/7 (and parents)!

Active maths. This week we have been revising addition and subtraction by playing different games and completing activities on the laptops. We also had some ‘Stopwatch Olympics’ as a warm up activity in our maths this week which was very much enjoyed by everyone. The competitive natures of some very much came into play :).

Polytunnel trips. This week both the whole class had the opportunity to visit the polytunnel and do some different jobs there. Pupils were involved in making, sanding and painting planters and some had the opportunity to plant things as well.

Symbols of Hope. With the clay now dry, we were able to paint our symbols of hope this week and they look great.

World Book Day. We celebrated World Book day on Friday this week. Some pupils choose to come to school dressed up or in their pjs. We also had a World Book Day quiz which Innes, Calen, Rocco and Mark were the winners of. We all enjoyed a ‘Reading Café’ in the afternoon where we had hot chocolate and biscuits and had time to read our books with some of the younger pupils too.

SMUHA. We had a great day celebrating SMUHA in school with a visit from the Jarl Squad in the morning and then our own galley burning in the afternoon.



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