Monthly Archives: February 2024

Term 3 Week 7

Drumming. This week was our final drumming lesson and we performed our piece to the rest of the school. The drummers all worked so hard on keeping in time with each others and the dancers did a fantastic joy at listening to Joy’s drum telling them what moves to do and when.

Big Question. This week we’ve been learning about different Ancient Greek myths and mythological creatures. The pupils have been working on presentation skills in their literacy so we combined the two and they created posters about mythological creatures. They put in so much effort and the results are amazing!

We also watched the story of Pandora’s box and then created our own symbols of hope out of clay. We are still waiting on them all being fully dry before we paint them.

Active Spelling. We’ve been doing some active spelling games this week to help with learning our spelling words.


Term 3 Week 6

Big Question. This week in our Big Question we’ve been learning about different gods and goddesses from Ancient Greece. Pupils worked in pairs to make fact files about some of the most well known gods and goddesses and then they created their own.

This or That. This week our tasks included learning about the Trojan War and linked to National Radio Day. Some pupils decided to work together and create their own radio shows all about the Trojan War whilst others created their own  radios using junk modelling.

Jigsaw completed! It’s been a team effort to get this 1000 piece puzzle completed. Unfortunately, there was 1 piece missing on completion but the class have loved having it to work on.

Racket Activities

We have had a busy term so far in PE.  We have been focusing mainly on table tennis and badminton, but we did use the short tennis equipment the last week.  Our main points of technique have been how to hold the bat/racket, our feet position when playing shots and the position of the bat/racket when hitting.  We finished the block with a group activity, creating a target practice for either table tennis, badminton or tennis.  The class showed good cooperation to create great practices and teach to other groups.




Term 3 Week 5

Big Question. This week we have been learning all about different aspects of war in Ancient Greece. We learned about ‘Hoplites’, researched some famous wars and also created our own ‘Hoplon’ shields.

Snow. Here are some photos of the fun we’ve had in the snow this week.


Term 3 Week 4

African Drumming. This week was week 2 of our African drumming block and we’re certainly being challenged by Joy with the complicated rhythms we have to learn. It is all starting to come together and next week we’re hoping to add in some dance moves.

All about Vikings! We had a fantastically busy day on Tuesday as we worked with P4/5 to create our own Viking gallery. In groups, we created 3 exhibition pieces and in the afternoon P1 – 3 came to our open day. The creativity and team work on show was incredible and it’s safe to say, a lot of fun was had by everyone!

Democracy in Ancient Greece. This week we’ve been learning all about Democracy in Ancient Greece which has raised a lot of good questions and interesting discussions. The class had to watch a video and write their own notes before using these to create their own posters.