Last week of Term 1

Technology in Sport & Technology in Space. This week Primary 4-7 have attended two online assemblies about different ways technology is being used within the context of sport and of space. On Monday we worked in pairs to design ‘tech sport suits’ and on Friday we designed our own robots. Excellent team work and creativity on show from everyone.

Amazing Animals. This week we have been working on Animal fact books applying our learning of the big questions we’ve covered this term to different habitats. Three of the class made fantastic ‘Polar Animals’ fact books and went to share their learning with P1/2. They spoke with confidence and were able to clearly explain about life cycles, food chains and animal adaptations to our younger learners. Well done Finlay, Oskar and Rocco!

Last day of term 1. We started the day with a game of ‘Hungry Hippos’ with Primary 4/5 and I think it’s safe to say a lot of fun was had by everyone.

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